Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday unveiled transformed profile pages that let members of the world's leading online social network tell the stories of their lives. Zuckerberg kicked off Facebook's annual f8 developers conference in San Francisco by introducing "Timeline" pages designed to let people digitally map everything they've ever done. "The heart of your Facebook experience, completely rethought from the ground up," Zuckerberg said. "Timeline is the story of your life." He demonstrated by showing his revamped profile page chronicled his experiences from meeting US President Barack Obama to baby photos. "The biggest challenge was to tell the story of your life in a single page," Zuckerberg said. "What Timeline does is show all the recent activity and then as you go back in time it starts summarizing the things you've done in your life." He also said the latest changes at Facebook include a new class of applications that will let people discover and share music, movies, books and other news as well as seemingly lightweight experiences like bicycle rides. "I am excited about what the latest wave of music companies is doing with the open graph," Zuckerberg said. Software apps made by more than a dozen developers, including Spotify, will let Facebook members share, discover and listen to music, he added. "It's a big day for everyone who loves music," Spotify chief executive Daniel Ek said after joining Zuckerberg on stage.