Emirates Space Agency

The Emirates Space Agency and the Space Committee of the Ministry of Investment and Development of Kazakhstan have signed a Memorandum of Understanding, MoU, to determine frameworks of mutual cooperation in the field of exploration and the peaceful use of outer space, as well as the exchange of information and experiences, scientific research and space technology.

The MoU was signed at the National Space Centre in the Kazakh capital, Astana, by Dr. Khalifa Mohammed Al Rumaithi, Chairman of the Emirates Space Agency on behalf of UAE Agency, and by M.M. Moldabekov M.M., Deputy Chairman of the Aerospace Committee of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The MoU aims to strengthen cooperation in various fields of space exploration, such as science of space and scientific research and technology, remote sensing and navigation, and encourage cooperation in the field of policies, laws and regulations relating to space, as well as staff training on space activities.

Mr. Al Rumaithi said that the signing of the MoU comes in the context of the establishment of a strong international cooperation and partnerships of mutual benefit and the exchange of knowledge with the rest of the world and the most important stakeholders to the space sector.

He pointed to the importance of international cooperation in the peaceful exploration of outer space as part of the human heritage, in which, he expressed the Emirates Space Agency's aspiration to cooperate with all relevant and interested parties specialised in the field of space to achieve the common goal of human well-being.

For his part, Mr. Moldabekov confirmed that the MoU will undoubtedly contribute to the development of cooperation in the field of space research and technology sciences and services and strengthening the relations and partnerships between the two countries.

Source :WAM