Several dozen slivers of the brain of Albert Einstein have been put on display in a museum in the United States, CBS News reported.Visitors to Philadelphia’s Muetter Museum and Historical Medical Library can see 46 slices of the physicist’s brain.“He was a unique individual, and to have the organ that’s most associated with intelligence of this great man is a wonderful opportunity,” museum curator Anna Dhody said. “What we’re hoping to do is to showcase this and to really talk about the brain and the physiology.”The ultra-thin brain slices were originally owned by Dr. Thomas Harvey who performed an autopsy on Einstein when the genius died in 1955 at the age of 76. Harvey took Einstein’s brain as part of the usual procedure but never put it back.The slices then changed hands a number of times before their latest possessor, Lucy Rorke-Adams, decided recently to donate them to the museum.The museum also has on display a tumor from President Glover Cleveland and neck tissue from John Wilkes Booth, the assassinator of President Abraham Lincoln.