Dubai Cares concludes Ramadan

Dubai Cares, the U.A.E.-based philanthropic organisation, has marked the successful conclusion of its "What If?" Ramadan campaign with the announcement of two new programmes in Kenya and Uganda.
Focused on improving teaching and learning capabilities using Information Communication Technology (ICT), the two new programmes will tackle issues stemming from lack of opportunities, developmental stagnation and insufficient support for teachers in developing countries.
Announcing the launch of the programmes, Tariq Al Gurg, Chief Executive Officer of Dubai Cares said, "The role of the teacher has evolved with the focus on education shifting from Education for All to Learning for All. In this climate, our two new programmes prepare and qualify teachers and students in Kenya and Uganda to meet the educational demands and challenges of the modern era by using Information Communication Technology (ICT) in education." In both countries, Dubai Cares will work in partnership with the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) to roll-out the teacher training and school improvement programs, to test and demonstrate the transformative potential of using mobile phone technology, desktop computers and tablets.
Similar to many Dubai Cares initiatives, the two new programmes in Kenya and Uganda are in line with the ‘Global Education First Initiative' launched by United Nations' Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon in September 2012 and aimed at renewing and reinvigorating global commitments to education.
The launch of the two programmes also aligns with the U.A.E.'s emphasis on humanitarian support. The nation's founder, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, built robust humanitarian foundations for the country, which was the leading global donor of development aid against the national income in 2013. In 2012 alone, U.A.E. donor organisations contributed Dh 15.8 million to Uganda and Dh 7.9 million to Kenya.
"The late Sheikh Zayed believed that investing in people was the best possible way to invest in the future and this is what we are trying to accomplish at Dubai Cares. The importance of education in giving ambition wings is something we as a community innately understand. Thanks to the foresight of our forefathers, we are now part of a nation that is progressive, inclusive and global in outlook. Irrespective of the country we are from, our futures and aspirations are interlinked in a global society. By breaking down the barriers to education for children in developing countries, we are building up a prosperous and productive future for the next generation," said Tariq Al Gurg.
Dubai Cares announced the two new programmes upon the successful conclusion of its "What if" Ramadan campaign, which urged the U.A.E. community to take a step back and imagine the lives of children in developing countries, especially those who have to forgo school to help their families earn a living.
The campaign highlighted the harsh living conditions primary-age children in developing countries have to face on a daily basis as well as the debilitating effects of poverty on these children.
"Our Ramadan Campaign struck a chord with the local community as we encouraged them to step into the shoes of children who have to struggle to access quality education. The U.A.E. community rallied around the campaign, making generous donations and spreading the word far and wide," concluded Al Gurg.