Derdouri pleads in Geneva

Minister of Post and Information and Communication Technologies Zohra Derdouri pleaded in Geneva (Switzerland) for the implementation of a global charter to fight cybercrime and protect personal data, said Tuesday a ministerial communiqué.

“Ten year after the world summit on information society, it is time to work on a global charter to address the issues of the information society particularly those relating to cybercrime,” said Derdouri who is participating in the ministerial meeting under the theme “The 10 years of follow-up of the outcomes of the world summit on information society,” held from 4 to 6 May.

This charter must also includes the cybersecurity, fight against knowledge gap, protection of personal data and the strengthening of the international cooperation in this field, added the minister in this meeting held on the sidelines of the works of the Commission of Science and Technology for Development.

Derdouri underlined that the first phase of the information society “focused on a very rich development programme of information and communication technologies in the countries, particularly the reduction in digital divide for the developing countries.”