The Chinese craze for micro-blogging has reached such dizzying heights that companies are now offering to help people boost their following and stand out from the crowd -- for a price. \"Why use our services?\" one company called Yangcheng Media asks on its website. \"Who would you follow? Somebody with 2,000 followers or 20,000 followers? The answer is easy: most people have a herd mentality.\" The firm offers up 100 followers for just one yuan ($0.15), in a bid to make users of China\'s popular Twitter-like weibo services stand out from the pack. Micro-blogging is hugely popular in China, where other more traditional media such as newspapers are heavily censored. As with Twitter, people with huge amounts of followers achieve a much sought-after type of cyber-standing. The number of weibo users more than tripled from January to June this year alone, reaching nearly 195 million -- roughly equal to Brazil\'s population -- according to the semi-official China Internet Information Center. And this number may continue to rise. By the end of June, there were a total of 485 million Chinese online users, more than half of whom are not yet sending weibo bursts of about 150 Chinese characters each. One company called Gaodeding -- which translates as \"Yes We Can!\" -- goes a step further, offering weibo addicts a package of 20 active followers for one yuan, according to a man surnamed Liu who works at the firm. Active followers are people who update their accounts daily, rather than so-called \"corpses\" who seldom post or spread information from netizens they follow.