China’s unmanned spacecraft Shenzhou-8 has arrived at the place of its creation, the China Academy of Space Technology in Beijing. This homecoming follows the module’s successful landing in Inner Mongolia three days ago. Following a short welcome ceremony, the re-entry capsule’s designers are once again reunited with their creation. First inspections reveal that Shenzhou-8 returned capsule appears to be in good shape. Hao Ping, Chief Designer, CASC, said, \"Now we can see the capsule’s surface is smooth and the structure is basically intact. There has been no big collisions during its journey through space. The color of its surface has turned brown, which indicates a proper ablation. \" China’s unmanned spacecraft Shenzhou-8 has arrived at the place of its creation, the China Academy of Space Technology in Beijing. With its cover now removed, the capsule is set to go through a cleaning process, while the data it collected needs to be analysed. Only then will its doors be finallyopened on Monday. Samples and equipment carried to space for the mission are also due to be put on public display.