- China has held a series of activities to commemorate the first anniversary of the death of Zhu Guangya (1924-2011), a leading scientist in the country\'s research and development of nuclear weaponry. The institutions that have organized commemorative activities include the General Armament Department of the Chinese People\'s Liberation Army (PLA), the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and the China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP). The PLA General Armament Department and its subordinate bodies have organized workshops and other kinds of gatherings in memory of the top engineer of the country\'s defense industry. Chang Wanquan, the head of the department, as well as a member of the Central Military Commission, paid a visit to Zhu\'s family members. The CAE has also held a workshop in memory of its founder and former president. Zhou Ji, the current president of the CAE, pledged to follow the example of Zhu and urged all Chinese scientists to contribute to the \"great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.\" On Sunday, the CAEP held a special gathering entitled \"Zhu Guangya and China\'s Nuclear Weapon Science and Technology Sector with Chinese Characteristics.\" Zhu was a former CAEP president. According to official records, Zhu was born in the central Chinese city of Wuhan in 1924. In the 1950s, Zhu returned home after studying nuclear physics in the United States. He worked in the nuclear sector until his death on Feb. 26, 2011. Zhu joined the ruling Communist Party of China in 1956. He was an academician with both the CAE and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a vice chairman of the 8th and 9th National Committees of the Chinese People\'s Political Consultative Conference.