China has launched 21 spacecraft on 19 separate occasions this year, ranking it second in the world in active

China has launched 21 spacecraft on 19 separate occasions this year, ranking it second in the world in active space exploration, said Zhao Xiaojin, director of the astronavigation department at China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), December 27.
China will complete 20 more rocket launches in the next four or five years, said Zhao at the press conference for the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, clarifying that 100 satellites are scheduled be sent into orbit during the 12th Five-year Plan period (2011-2015). 
He said three BeiDou navigation and position satellites were launched this year, and the other 30 are planned for 2020. CASC is responsible for research projects involving satellites and carrier rockets. Zhao confirmed that the 30 satellites will be strictly tested before being put into production. 

Source: BNA