Chinese FM spokesman Hong Lei

 Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei on Friday said that China's position on opposing hacking attack and other cyber threats is consistent, clear and serious.
"Recent years have seen the disclosure of large-scale cyber surveillance the US launched on other countries. As to where the cyberspace threats are emanating from, the international community can reach a fair decision", the spokesman said in a press conference.
"Hacking is a global issue that needs to be tackled jointly by the international community. Peace, security, openness and cooperation of the cyber space needs to be maintained with collective efforts," he added.
The spokesman said China is a staunch guardian of cyberspace peace and stability, as well as an advocate for formulating order and rules in cyberspace
"This January, China and other members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization submitted a draft of International Code of Conduct for Information Security to the United Nations, offering opinions on preserving cyberspace security," he said. "If some country really cares about cyber security, it should contribute constructively to the discussion on international rules and seek common security of the international community."