China denied allegations of backing hackers to launch cyber attacks against other countries, stressing that it is in the common interests of the world to responsibly safeguard international cyber security. Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun said It\'s unprofessional and irresponsible to accuse China before verifying the anonymous hackers\' identification, He said that \"Cyber sabotage is illegal and forbidden in China, and would be severely punished,\" Xinhua reported on Friday. \"China itself is also the victim of cyber attacks,\" he added. \"The websites of the ministry and the Chinese military received an average of over 80,000 cyber attacks from overseas each month from January to March, \"Yang has told a news conference here. \"We have never blamed any country for this,\" said Yujun, adding that the Chinese side believes that groundless accusations only increase doubt and spoil mutual trust between nations, and do not help to solve problems. \"We hope that all sides concerned will make more efforts to enhance mutual trust and maintain the security of cyberspace.\" he said.