Cairo ICT

TradeFairs International, the organizer of Cairo ICT, said the new edition of the conference will be held on December 13-16 under the auspices of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi.

Vice President of the company Hossam Saleh said on Thursday Sisi's support reflects his keenness on communications and information technology's role in building new Egypt.

The 19th edition of the International Telecommunication, Information Technology, Networking, Computing, Satellite & Broadcasting Trade Fair & Forum for the Middle East and Africa (Cairo ICT 2015) comes under the rubric "Go Smart", Saleh further said.

Cairo ICT 2015 Conference program presents a mix of plenary and parallel sessions around well-defined topics. It aims to bring the emerging facts and issues of the ICT industry on different level, with a number of high-level panelists from key organizations.