C295 aircraft

C295 aircraft in search-and-rescue configuration have been ordered by the Brazilian Air Force from Airbus Defense and Space.
Three aircraft are covered under the order as well as a five-year service support deal.
The value of the contract has not been disclosed, but Airbus said the aircraft will be delivered from the end of this year.
"The new generation C295 is the ideal aircraft for defense and civic missions ..., such as humanitarian actions, homeland security, and environmental surveillance," the company said. "Thanks to its robustness and reliability, simple systems, and optimal cabin, this medium-sized tactical airlifter provides wide versatility and flexibility, necessary for personnel, troop and bulky/palletized cargo transportation, casualty evacuation, communication and logistic duties, and air-dropping."
The C295 was introduced in 2001. It has a cruise speed of 300 miles per hour and a range of 2,875 miles with a 13,000 pound cargo payload.
Brazil currently flies a dozen transport-configured C295 aircraft.