British Invention Show

Under the patronage of His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, His Majesty the King's Personal Representative for Charity Work and Youth Affairs, Supreme Council for Youth and Sport Chairman and Bahrain Olympic Committee President, the British Invention Show has been opened in London.
More than 150 inventors from more than 20 countries are taking part in the annual event, in which they have the opportunity to show and explain their inventions to a high number of visitors from various age groups and backgrounds.
The inventions have been placed in different stands in a large exhibition hall that allows the inventors to highlight their work with ease and enthusiasm to the visitors.
Bahraini inventor Amina Al-Hawaj presented her "Aminatherapy" invention, the mechanical device that has been constructed to provide an interface for the patient ti practice active or passive assisted movements of the hip, knee and ankle during the early stage of rehabilitation.
Al-Hawaj, during her explanations, highlighted the role of the Kingdom of Bahrain in promoting gifted and imaginative people by providing the right setting to invent new products and build on new ideas and concepts, in line with the nation’s overall drive to enhance local capabilities, raise standards and achieve excellence in all areas.
The British Invention Show has been the focus of interest of several senior personalities, international institutions, societies and organisations that support inventors.
Visiting the Show, Croatian President Ivo Josipovic highlighted, in a statement, its significance for the international community and its outstanding role in supporting inventors from all over the world to present their inventions.
In a statement, HH Shaikh Nasser stressed the deep and historic ties between the Kingdom of Bahrain and the United Kingdom in all areas and their constant cooperation to boost relations according to the vision of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.
Shaikh Nasser said that the Kingdom of Bahrain was particularly keen on deepening its highly significant relations with Britain.
He added that the Show sponsored by Nasser bin Hamad Foundation in the British capital London aims to support new ideas and projects all over the world.
Such a pioneering development initiative at the international level helps young entrepreneurs turn their inventions into successful products, and contributes to raising awareness about the importance of encouraging and supporting inventors, he added.
The show is also a remarkable incentive for all people to engage actively and intelligently in scientific and technological programmes and initiatives, Shaikh Nasser said.
"Modern civilizations are now assessed by their progress in the area of inventions and the success of their inventors," he said. "Our role is to provide them with the time and the care they need, as well as with the proper setting to move vibrantly ahead. We always see inventors reach the top ranks, and we see how their bright mindsets are fully aware of dedication to work and to looking ahead for a better future," he said.
A major goal for holding the Show is to offer a good opportunity for inventors and entrepreneurs to meet and agree on moving forward together, Shaikh Nasser added.
"The Show is also a great opportunity to promote the concept and culture of inventions. Everybody should have the motivation and incentive to invent and to share his or her invention with the international community. This Show has enabled in inventors to highlight the profound interest of their countries in inventions and creativity and their support to positive initiatives. The Show is a vivid reminder of how imaginative and creative people can be when they are offered the right opportunity and conditions. The inventions at this Show are a wonderful tribute to bright minds throughout the world," he said.
Several inventors have stressed the importance of holding the international invention show, paying tribute to Bahrain for adopting the initiative and supporting creativity.
The particular support by Shaikh Nasser was applauded by the inventors who saw it as a great occasion and opportunity for them and for others.
The inventors added that the Show was a successful event and that the high level of participation and the interest it has generated among visitors were clear indicators of its status. They also praised the possibilities it offered them to highlight their work and to share their creativity with the international community.
Bahrain’s support to inventors is obvious through the patronage of Shaikh Nasser of the Show and its organisation in the British capital, they said.
"The Show is an opportunity for us to witness Bahrain’s open support to the youth and assistance to inventors," they said.