Representatives of the Asia Nano Forum (ANF) member states present in the 8th ANF meeting in Tehran praised the performance and progress of Iranian scientists in nanotechnology. Representatives from 15 ANF member states as well as representatives from the European countries, including Scotland, Russia, Austria, France, and Britain, visited the progress and achievements of Iranian scientists and companies showcased in the 4th Nanotechnology Exhibition in Tehran earlier this month. Following the visit to the Fourth Nanotechnology Festival and Exhibition, participants in the 8th ANF Summit made great progress and advancements in the field of nanotechnology among the Asian countries. The ANF participants said science exhibitions are good because they both help the production of science, and the participation in such exhibitions provides a good opportunity for exchanging ideas between the scientists, experts, and innovators of various countries. Moreover, the guests underlined that Iran\'s achievements in the field of nanotechnology had been very satisfactory and they put emphasis on the fact that Iran had been able to make significant progress in a short period of time. The 8th ANF Summit was held in Tehran on October 9, 2011.