All those gadget lovers eagerly awaiting the launch of iPhone 5 may have choice. As according to JP Morgan analyst Mark Moskowitz, Apple will be launching not one but two models of the next-generation iPhone: a revamped iPhone 4 called iPhone 4-plus and a slimmer model iPhone 5. The analyst expects the iPhone 5 to be a "world phone" device with GSM and CDMA support, while the iPhone 4-plus will target the midrange of the market, as well as China. "Our research indicates that there will be an iPhone 5 based on a lighter, thinner form factor that is GMS + CDMA capable, ie a 'world-mode' smartphone," wrote Moskowitz. "A second device (4-plus) based on the current iPhone 4, but with some minor improvements, could target the midrange and focus on China. As for the current iPhone 4, we expect it to subsume 3GS as the lower-end offering," he added. Earlier Bloomberg reported that Apple iPhone 5 will include A5 processor, the more powerful chip that Apple added to the iPad 2 earlier this year, along with an 8 megapixel camera, up from the 5-megapixel model in the iPhone 4. The new phone will run iOS 5 operating system Apple previewed at a developer's conference in June.