Apple opened its first store in Hong Kong yesterday, paring reliance on sales agents to market its iPhones and iPads as Chinese tourists drive a retail boom in the city. Some customers queued two nights for the event. Charanis Chiu, a 58-year-old photographic-equipment business owner was among hundreds waiting outside the store with its white Apple logo in the International Finance Centre mall in the city\'s Central district. The shop, which opened its doors at 9am, has a spiral staircase joining two floors and offers views of Victoria Harbour with a floor-to-ceiling glass facade. \"I started using Apple Mac products in the 1970s,\" said Chiu, who secured fourth place by joining the queue at 7.30pm on Thursday. \"As a fan, I must come and witness such a big thing in Hong Kong.\" The Hong Kong store is opening more than three years after Apple started its first self-operated shop in mainland China as the Cupertino, California-based company expands in a region where revenue surged sixfold last quarter. Retail-sales growth in Hong Kong exceeded 20 per cent for a fifth straight month in July, bolstered by spending from Chinese visitors.