Research Mohamed Mebarki and Spanish research Carmen Vela Olmo

Algeria and Spain have signed Thursday in Algiers a Memorandum of Co-operation on the scientific research and technological development.
The Memorandum was signed by Minister of Higher Teaching and Scientific Research Mohamed Mebarki and Spanish State Secretary for Research, Development and Innovation Carmen Vela Olmo.
"We have fields of excellence where the Spanish and the Algerians are performing, notably in the materials science ," said Mebarki to the press on the sidelines of the signing ceremony.
He added that both countries aspire to raise the level of cooperation in other areas, including economic ones for Algeria as Spain is experiencing better growth, noting that nanotechnology and agriculture are major fields which must be developed by the two countries.
For his part, Vela Olmo hoped that the Algerian-Spanish collaboration is "very long, intense and very productive," adding that the two countries had common concerns including renewable energy, agriculture, requiring joint work to achieve better development.