Twitter says its iPhone video sharing app Vine that ran afoul of censors at Apple due to pornographic content will now carry a 17+ \"adult\" rating. That means prospective users will be required to confirm they are at least 17 years old before downloading and running the application, TG Daily reported Wednesday. Vine is one of several apps that have run into trouble in the Apple App Store; photo sharing service 500px was removed and had to agree to a 17+ rating for re-admittance, while Tumblr has also updated its app requiring users to be at least 17 years old to download. When Vine first launched -- rated for age 12 and up -- hard-core pornography reportedly made its way into the \"editor\'s picks\" section of the application, leading Vine developers to censor pornography-related searches. The app for iPhone and iPod Touch lets users create and share six-second video clips.