Verizon Internet subscribers may have their connection speeds throttled for downloading pirated content if they ignore warnings to stop, the U.S. carrier said. The company revealed its anti-piracy plans in New York as part of a joint effort by Internet service providers and media companies to warn -- and in some cases punish -- repeat offenders, PC World reported Friday. Under Verizon\'s approach to the so-called Copyright Alert System, users suspected of copyright infringement will receive notifications by email informing them their accounts have been flagged. If infringement persists beyond the fourth warning, Verizon said, the user\'s download speeds would be significantly reduced. Verizon is the first Internet service provider to release details of how it intends to enforce the Copyright Alert System. The Center for Copyright Information, which heads the Copyright Alert System effort, plans to invite other ISPs to join the initiative, Jill Lesser, the center\'s executive director, said.