U.S. and Japanese agencies say they\'ve cooperated on developing a method for analyzing airborne radiological monitoring data following nuclear accidents. The U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency reported new method has been used to perform a detailed study of survey data taken by the two agencies in the months following the March 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster incident in Japan. Aerial surveys were employed in the region surrounding the stricken Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant to cover the area impacted by the accident quickly, thoroughly and safely. The new analysis provides a complete map of the deposition of Iodine-131, an important contributor to radiological dose, the concentration of which was uncertain during the incident due to its short half-life and the complexity of the analysis. The map provided by the new analysis is a critical step in order to conduct accurate exposure assessments, population dose reconstruction and follow-up epidemiological studies, an NNSA release said Thursday. \"Collaborations with international experts are important to improve our capability to respond to nuclear emergencies,\" David Bowman, Director of NNSA\'s Office of Emergency Response, said. \"This technical exchange with the Japanese improves their understanding of the ramifications of the accident, and at the same time enhances our ability to respond domestically should the need arise.\"