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The United Arab Emirates, representing the Middle East region, took part in the Interpol DNA Monitoring Expert Group Meeting in the US to showcase its latest scientific techniques in the field of Genetic Data analysis, which supports the country's efforts to increase case clearance rates to record levels.

Brigadier General Abdul Rahman Al Hammadi, Head of the Forensic Evidence Department at Abu Dhabi Police, noted that the UAE has made outstanding contributions by strengthening international cooperation with the Interpol, particularly with respect to forensic evidence.

For her part, Colonel Expert Maryam Ahmed Al Qahtani, Chief of the Forensic Biology and DNA Section at the ADP Forensic Evidence Department, representative of the Middle East experts group, noted that the meeting, held recently in the city of Norman, Oklahoma, US, touched on the scientific developments in the field of DNA and DNA test protocols worldwide, alongside the training of Member Countries in the field of DNA testing.

Al Qahtani stressed that the United Arab Emirates, is the only active member at the Middle East region's level to participate in such meetings.

The DNA Monitoring Expert Group Meeting issued a number of significant recommendations, such as the need to comply with the best international practices in the search for missing persons and the exchange of information between the various countries around the world, she said.

"The meeting also focused on reinforcing cooperation with judicial authorities around the world, and came up with a set of recommendations, including the need to organise a DNA global conference to be held every three years at the Interpol headquarters in France; to discuss the different legislations that govern the DNA testing process and their observance of human rights; to emphasise the commitment to quality in the DNA tests; and to assist Member Countries in creating DNA databases, especially developing countries," Colonel Al Qahtani said.

Experts have also discussed the results of the Interpol Global DNA Profiling Survey, which was distributed to various Interpol Member Countries around the world, as well as the latest scientific and security developments in the field of DNA.