The rate of households with Internet access in Turkey rose to 47% and the main reason for households to not to have internet at home is \"no need of it\" with 27%. According to Turkish Statistical Institute\'s (TUIK) \"Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Usage Survey on Households and Individuals, 2012\" 47.2% of households in Turkey have access to the Internet at home, the number was 42.9% a year ago. According to the survey, as Anatolia news agency reports, accession to the internet of household was 55.5% in urban areas and 27.3% in rural areas. 60.5% of households living in Istanbul access internet from homes. In 2012, users of computer and internet calculated as 48% between the individuals aged 16-74 and in 2011 this number was 46 %. The 16-24 age group have the highest proportion of the computer and internet usage. According to survey\'s results, high number of Turkish individuals used internet to access read online news, newspapers, magazines or to download. Every one internet user out of five shops online, with 21.8%. In 2011, figures were 18%.