Turkey\'s nationalist Islamic Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan has ordered that access on the internet to the film Innocence of Muslims, which has sparked violent protests across the Muslim world, be blocked in the country, Egemen Bagis, the minister for European affairs, announced today. In statements to Turkish state broadcaster Trt, the minister said that under the directive of Prime Minister Erdogan some technical interventions are ongoing in order to block access to the anti-Islam film insulting the sacred prophet Mohammed. Bagis stressed that, as announced last week by Erdogan, Turkey is working so that insults to sacred values will be considered a crime against humanity. The Turkish premier should have addressed the issue at a UN assembly but cancelled his trip to New York Friday to focus on preparations for the fourth congress of his Justice and Development Party (AKP) scheduled Sunday in Ankara. Turkey is represented at the UN by the head of diplomacy, Ahmet Davutoglu. God willing, many world leaders will listen to Turkeys appeal and ask the UN to act so that the world is endutrable for all, said Bagis.