A strike at the Kourou space centre in French Guiana on Tuesday forced authorities to postpone an Ariane-5 rocket launch, the National Centre for Space Studies (CNES) said. The main reason for the delay to the launch that would have put two telecommunications satellites into orbit is a strike launched by Telezpazio, a business at the base specialised in radars, CNES said.The launch would have been Arianespace\'s fifth this year, and was to put two television satellites into orbit: Arabsat 5C covering the Middle East and North Africa and SES-2 covering North America and the Caribbean. \"The business works on radars which are of course a sensitive issue during launch periods. And the means are not available. That\'s why the launch has been delayed,\" a CNES spokesman said, asking not to be named.The Telezpazio strike began Tuesday, the day after another base business, Cegelec Space, went on strike following a call by the Force Ouvriere (FO) union and the Union of Guianese Workers (UTG) The unions want a pay rise and a bonus for working Sundays, FO\'s Jean Pustay told AFP. \"Talks are underway with the management but they\'re not moving forward very quickly,\" Pustay said.