During a high loop above Saturn, the Cassini spacecraft captured a dramatic image of Saturn and its rings in natural color, as humans would see them, NASA says. This natural-color view, obtained Oct. 10, shows off the differently colored bands of weather above Saturn, including a bright, wavy stream of clouds that appears to mark some of the turbulent aftermath of a giant storm that reached its violent peak in early 2011, NASA\'s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., reported. When Cassini arrived in 2004, Saturn\'s Northern Hemisphere sported a bluish hue as it was winter in that hemisphere. But as the seasons have turned -- Saturn\'s \"year\" is about 30 Earth years long -- and northern summer has begun, the colors have begun to change, dominated by golden tones, astronomers said. Cassini is currently in a tilted orbit that allows the spacecraft to swing up over the ringed planet\'s north pole and below the south pole. That\'s a change, as much Cassini\'s tour has involved orbits around the equatorial plane where most of Saturn\'s rings and moons are located.