Appropriate scaffold was synthesized by Iranian researchers from Tehran University of Medical Sciences to regenerate bone matrix.The scaffold produced by nano hydroxyapatite - gelatin can be used in the places that bones have been removed due to cancer or infection.The mechanical properties of the scaffold are similar to the sponge tissue of the bone, and it has a very good biocompatibility. In addition, since the scaffold is produced through layer-by-layer method, it can be designed in form of any fracture or trauma. In vitro and in vivo studies were carried out by using USSC cells. The results of bone regeneration showed 86% regeneration while it was 6.5% in the control sample. The interesting point is that the amount of regeneration caused by this scaffold is extremely higher than that of caused by demineralized bone matrix.According to Tavakol, one of the researchers of the plan, the product can be used where the bone has been removed due to cancer or infection, or where there is no weight on the bone. In addition, the scaffold releases or decomposes to calcium, phosphorus, and gelatin, and therefore, it can be consumed by the body or it can leave the body without any harm. It has also advantages over other allograft and xenograft materials such as sea sponges.The structure of the scaffold, optimization of pore size, mechanical properties, and layer-to-layer method are the advantages which allow the scaffold to be designed according to the place of the malfunction.Results of the research have been published in details in November 2012 in Journal of Nanoparticle Research.