Apple\'s heavily-rumoured iTV will not be able to compete with the picture quality offered by Samsung sets, according to an AV product manager with the Koreans. Samsung\'s Chris Moseley told Pocket-Link that the firm isn\'t overly concerned with what Apple launches if it decides to enter the TV market. Moseley says Apple\'s much-touted plan to \'revolutionise\' the television market can could fall flat because TV buyers will choose superior picture quality from other manufacturers over how \'smart\' the device is. Famous last words? In a frank interview, which could one day be seen as famous last words, he says: \"We\'ve not seen what they\'ve done but what we can say is that they don\'t have 10,000 people in R&D in the vision category. \"They don\'t have the best scaling engine in the world and they don\'t have world renowned picture quality that has been awarded more than anyone else. \"TVs are ultimately about picture quality. Ultimately. How smart they are...great, but let\'s face it that\'s a secondary consideration. The ultimate is about picture quality and there is no way that anyone, new or old, can come along this year or next year and beat us on picture quality. \"So, from that perspective, it\'s not a great concern, but it remains to be seen what they\'re going to come out with, if anything.\" Role reversal The Samsung man\'s brazen comments come as the company continues to do battle with Apple, in the courtroom and stores, for dominance over the smartphone and tablet markets. Throughout this war, Samsung has been chasing the iPhone and iPad with devices like the Galaxy SII and Galaxy Tab series. If Apple decided to take-on Samsung in the AV department the boot will be on the other foot as Apple enters territory where the Koreans will unquestionably have an edge. Samsung obviously feels it has enough in the tank to hold off any offensive from Apple and with devices like this 55-inch OLED beast coming to the UK this spring, its confidence is somewhat justified.