A Progress cargo ship is set to deliver food supplies to the International Space Station (ISS) on Sunday, Russia\'s federal space agency Roscosmos has said. According to a launch schedule published by the Roscosmos website, the Progress M-20M spaceship will blast off from the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan at 00:45 Moscow time Sunday ( 2045 GMT Saturday). It will follow the fast-track docking mode with the ISS six hours after the launch at 06:26 Moscow time (0226 GMT) instead of the traditional two-day trip. The Russian cargo ship will bring to the ISS a supply of fuel, oxygen, food, research instruments and parcels for the crew. Besides tea, smoked sausage and mayonnaise, the ISS crew could also have fresh fruit and vegetables such as apples and onions, local media reported. In June, Russian cosmonauts Fyodor Yurchikhin and Alexander Misurkin conducted a space walk. In July, U.S. astronaut Christopher Cassidy and European astronaut Luca Parmitano performed space walk twice. Misurkin and Yurchikhin will conduct two more space walks in August, according to the Roscosmos.