The Soyuz carrier rocket.

Russia expects the US to show understanding regarding the Soyuz carrier rocket failure at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The Roscosmos State Space Corporation will not conceal any causes from its American counterparts and will provide them with all the necessary information, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov told reporters.

"I think the Americans will show understanding regarding this situation. Naturally, we will not conceal the causes," he assured, stressing that to do anything on the contrary "is not the way things are done in such situations." "Of course, they should know. We will convey all the necessary information on this incident to them," Borisov promised, when asked whether the launch failure at the Baikonur spaceport will affect Russia-US space cooperation.

He recalled "today only Russia ensures the transportation of space crews to the International Space Station."

Borisov did point out that there are quite a few emergencies and tragic incidents in the space industry, adding that such things "have happened in the history of US astronautics and in Russia." "This is a high-tech industry, which is associated with risks. It is not for nothing that our cosmonauts always receive prestigious awards for their space flights. People risk their lives," he emphasized.

He noted that the analysis of the emergencies is going to be subject to special scrutiny. "As the one who is in charge with this industry, I will certainly brief the country’s leadership on all the details and the progress into the causes of the emergency landing by the commission," he pledged.