Despite the long faces in the queues at retailers, customers looking to buy the new iPhone4S were excited about landing one of the most talked-about mobile phones since the original Apple iPhone changed the mobile landscape in 2007. When Dubai resident Ali checked out his friend\'s new iPhone4S a couple of weeks ago, he knew instantly he had to have one. \"Using the voice activation in the iPhone4S, I ordered it to send a text to our friend,\" Ali said while standing in line waiting to buy the smartphone yesterday. \"I spoke the message and then told the phone to send it. The text was sent and I never touched the screen. It\'s amazing technology.\" His friend Mohammad said he could not be happier with the new iPhone4S and he hasn\'t had a single problem with the mobile handset. Article continues below \"I\'ve had a lot of phones in the last three or four years and the 4S is definitely the best and easiest to use,\" he said. \"The best thing I like is the AppStore and the games that I can get. The free ones are great. I have a lot of car games.\" Free video chat Another customer, Maya, bought her new iPhone4S with a view to using free video chat with her family in Lithuania. \"My sisters are always spending time together on the iPhone so it\'s time for me to spend the money and join them,\" she said.