Qatari - ethiopian

The Qatari -Ethiopian Joint Technical Committee held here Wednesday its second meeting . 
The Qatari side was presided over by Director of Department of International Technical Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs HE Ambassador Tariq bin Ali Al Ansari in presence of representatives of Ministry of Economy and Commerce , Ministry of Administrative Development , Ministry of labour and social affairs , Ministry of Municipality and Environment , Qatar Investment Authority ,Qatar Development Fund , Nebras Power , Qatar Petroleum and General Authority of Civil Aviation. 
The Ethiopian side was led by the Director General of Middle Eastern Affairs at the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign affairs HE Ambassador Siraj Rashid in presence of representatives of Ministry of Finance and Economy , Ministry of Mines, Petroleum and Natural Gas , Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity, Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources Management , Ministry of Education , Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs , Ethiopian Customs & Revenue Authority, Investment Authority and Civil Aviation Authority , Chamber of Commerce, Confederation of Ethiopia Trade Unions, culture and Heritage. 
Talks during the meeting focused on bilateral relations between the two countries, notablly in economic and development fields in addition to investment opportunities in the Republic of Ethiopia. 
Meanwhile, Ethiopian State Minister of Foreign Affairs Regassa Kefale met here today with HE Ambassador Tariq bin Ali Al Ansari . 
Their talks during the meeting dealt with ways to enhance the work of the Qatari -Ethiopian joint technical committee for the interests of the two countries friendly. 
HE Qatar's Ambassador to Ethiopia, Abdulaziz bin Sultan Al-Rumaihi attended the meeting