One out of five Internet users visited online retail giant Amazon in June, tracking firm comScore said Wednesday. Amazon sites had 282.2 million visitors during the month, or 20.4 percent of the worldwide Internet population, comScore said in a report on the top global retail and auction sites. Online auction titan eBay received 223.5 million visitors in June, or 16.2 percent of the total number of Internet users. China's Alibaba, which includes the sites Taobao and Alipay, was next with 156.7 million visitors, or 11.3 percent of total Internet users, followed by Apple with 134.2 million visitors, or 9.7 percent of total Internet users. Japan's Rakuten rounded out the top five with 57.7 million visitors in June, or 4.2 percent of total Internet users. "Technology has changed the way consumers behave, and increasingly they are opting for the convenience and pricing advantages offered by the online channel," comScore co-founder and chairman Gian Fulgoni said in a statement. "Several global retail brands have already capitalized on this global consumer trend, and many other retailers are sure to pursue their share of the pie," Fulgoni said.