Head of the self-sufficiency office of the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) Jafar Zakizadeh said domestic manufacturers supply 90 percent of the company\'s needs to mechanical devices. \"Even though it is likely to manufacture telecommunication and instrumentation devices at home as well, their production it will be costly due to the low scale of their application in the industry,\" Zakizadeh said. Referring to the supply of the devices needed by the gas supply sector, the official said, \"Domestic manufacturers supply 375 items out of the 380 items used by the sector, while in the gas transfer sector, out of 420 items, 400 items are being made at home, including steel pipelines.\" He reminded that before the Islamic Revolution in 1979 the country imported the pipelines \"but these days all of them, pipelines from half to 56 inches are made by domestic manufacturers.\" On meeting the chemical materials and spare parts needed by the gas processing plants, Zakizadeh said, \"The company has prepared 22 chemical documents to meet gas processing plants’ needs to the materials.\" He went on to say that the Self Sufficiency Committees of the gas processing plants are concentrated on making spare parts, and added that in order to facilitate their manufacturing the company provides technical specifications before ordering them. \"From the 200 thousand spare parts being used in the gas industry, we have achieved self sufficiency in making 30 thousand spare parts, while indigenization of 20 thousand other parts are under test,\" the NIGC official concluded.