A U.S. system combining real-time video analytics and acoustic sensors to pinpoint the origin of hostile has been introduced by 3e Technologies International. The company said its GunfireGuard uses advanced algorithms to isolate a sniper\'s firing position while simultaneously recording its latitude and longitude -- allowing personnel quickly react to the sniper\'s location. \"Once the gunfire is detected, VirtualFence cameras turn and focus on where the shots came from, making the solution that much more effective,\" 3eTI President Benga Erinle said. \"The advantage of having a sensor and camera proximately located is that you can very quickly gain visibility of the sniper. \"In applications where multiple sensors are deployed, GunfireGuard can pinpoint exactly where the sniper is.\" The GunfireGuard system is compact, lightweight and easy to install. Its sniper detection sensor integrates with 3eTI\'s VirtualFence wireless sensor and video surveillance application, which has been deployed at dozens of U.S. government facilities. GunfireGuard detects the source of incoming high-velocity rounds and provides accurate target data, including information on direction, distance and elevation. The acoustic sensor technology behind GunfireGuard includes an array of microphones that use the signature of gunfire to identify and triangulate an origination point in real time, allowing intrusions to be quickly located and eliminated. GunfireGuard will be available in for purchase in early 2012.