Netflix on Thursday began letting subscribers in the United States and Canada stream movies and television shows to Nintendo 3DS videogame handsets. A free software application for 3DS devices lets Netflix members with unlimited video streaming plans watch as many films or TV episodes as they desire, Netflix and Nintendo said in a joint statement. Movies and TV episodes are displayed on the dual-screen handset\'s upper screen. Netflix has long allowed streaming of shows to the Japanese videogame titan\'s Wii consoles as well as its competitors, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. An average of 1.5 million Netflix members daily reportedly use Wii consoles to access content. \"Nintendo is a terrific partner with Netflix,\" the US video streamer\'s chief executive Reed Hastings said in a release. Netflix members would \"soon\" get access to films viewable in 3D on the Nintendo gadgets, which eliminate need for special eye glasses, the companies promised. \"The new Netflix application looks great, plays great and is a fantastic consumer experience,\" said Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime. \"It gives Nintendo 3DS owners access to an amazing wealth of movies and TV shows, which they can watch conveniently from thousands of free Wi-Fi access points across the country.\" Nintendo 3DS devices access the internet wirelessly at \"hotspots.\" The new viewing option came in the wake of a Netflix subscription price hike that has irked users of the service. A streaming-only plan at the US-based online video rental service costs $8 monthly.