Taiwanese computer maker Acer is urging Microsoft to \"think twice\" about bringing out its Surface tablet computer in competition with its own partners. While Microsoft\'s hopes to compete with the iPad and Android tablets on the market, the Surface will also be competing with similar devices from Microsoft\'s own OEM hardware partners, CNET reported Tuesday. Acer CEO J.T. Wang told the Financial Times Microsoft\'s plans to launch the Surface in October would be a \"negative for the worldwide ecosystem\" in computing, and he\'s urging Microsoft to rethink the intentions. \"We have said think it over. Think twice,\" Wang said. \"It will create a huge negative impact for the ecosystem and other brands may take a negative reaction. It is not something you are good at so please think twice.\" If Microsoft stays with its tablet plans Acer might have to consider replacing the software giant as a partner, Wang said. \"If Microsoft is going to do hardware business, what should we do?\" he asked. \"Should we still rely on Microsoft, or should we find other alternatives?\" None of Microsoft\'s OEM partners were informed about the Surface until just before its announcement in June, CNN reported.