For almost three years, Hyderabad-based Srinivas Jale had been looking for a new job. He posted his resume on numerous job portals, with no luck. However, in January this year, he was surprised when he received an offer through LinkedIn, a networking Website. "I had created a profile for connecting with my friends and ex-colleagues , but I never knew that it could land me a job," says 32-year-old Jale, who now works as a sales and marketing manager with a car company. Today, almost everyone who is connected to the Net, is present on at least one networking Website. For workaholics, the most popular professional networking site is LinkedIn. Realising the vast number of candidates that can be easily tapped on these portals, companies and head hunters have begun to rely on them to find potential employees. "Out of the vast pool of talent, only 20% is available on job portals. The remaining 80% is still untapped. To reach out to them, networking Websites work as an effective tool," says Sunil Goel, chief executive officer , Global Hunt, an executive search company. Here are some tips to help you leverage networking sites. Join specific groups All networking sites have groups formed by people with specific skills or in a particular industry. You should join these as it will help to expand your network and tap these contacts when you need to start a job search. Also, recruiters often post vacancies on the pages of such groups. However, don't think that once you join a group, you will be flooded with job offers instantly. It will take time to build a network as well as rapport with the members. After all, it is difficult to trust someone whom you have never met personally. Keep an active profile You should post a detailed profile as this is the first thing that a potential employer will read about you. Highlight your professional capabilities and skills, but be brief about personal information. The headline or 'about me' information should be succinct and interesting . Use keywords which will help your profile to pop up when someone is trawling the site looking for a candidate. Be active on the site. Give solutions to enquiries posted by people and regularly post news about what's happening in your industry . If you are looking for a job, frequently post messages regarding your search as this will keep it fresh in the minds of people within your network. Recommendations Your profile should carry positive feedback about your work. Recruiters prefer it if the recommendations are written by senior colleagues. "While requesting a colleague to write one for you, ask him to focus on the positive aspects and achievements in the past one to five years. Don't ask someone who has known you for less than this period as it will come across as a biased view," says Kris Lakshmikanth, CEO, The Head Hunters (India). Online behaviour You may have to change the privacy settings for your Website page so that recruiters can easily send or post a message. While a social networking site can help you get a job, it could also land you in trouble if you are not careful about what you post. Don't start writing about a job change before informing your current employer as someone in your network may spill the beans at work. Avoid mentioning faults of your current and past colleagues as this can sour relations within your network and harm future opportunities . Also, potential employers will be unwilling to hire you. Keep a check on what you post about your personal life. No racy photographs, snide comments , risky jokes or strong political views should be aired.