Instagram\'s co-founder said Thursday the photo-sharing app will revert to its original terms of service after an uproar over plans to sell users\' images. \"Because of the feedback we have heard from you, we are reverting this advertising section to the original version that has been in effect since we launched the service in October 2010,\" Kevin Systrom said in a blog post. \"Going forward, rather than obtain permission from you to introduce possible advertising products we have not yet developed, we are going to take the time to complete our plans, and then come back to our users and explain how we would like for our advertising business to work. \"You also had deep concerns about whether under our new terms, Instagram had any plans to sell your content. I want to be really clear: Instagram has no intention of selling your photos, and we never did. We don\'t own your photos – you do,\" Systrom wrote. An update Monday to Instagram\'s terms of service said \"a business or other entity may pay\" Instagram for the use of user images and may do so \"without any compensation to you.\" Users revolted, with many deleting their accounts.