Identity thieves are using a fake Internal Revenue Service website to lure people into revealing personal data to steal their money or identity, the IRS says. The fake site pretends to be an IRS eServices online registration page, part of the official Internal Revenue Service website, the South Florida Sun Sentinel reported Friday. \"The phony web page looks almost identical to the real one,\" IRS spokesman Mike Dobzinski said. \"The IRS gets many reports of fake websites like this.\" The Web address of the official IRS website is \"Don\'t be misled by sites claiming to be the IRS but ending in .com, .net, .org or other designations instead of .gov,\" Dobzinski said. Identity thieves might also send emails to potential victims pretending to be the IRS, he said, but emphasized the IRS does not initiate contact with taxpayers by email to request personal or financial information. \"This includes any type of electronic communication, such as text messages and social media channels.\" Anyone seeing a suspicious website that claims to be the IRS is asked to send its URL to with the subject line \"Suspicious website,\" Dobzinski said.