Huge mirrors that reflect the sun’s light back into space are one of a number of measures being considered to battle climate change. Leaked papers from the UN science body have unveiled the measures being considered for ‘geo-engineering’, which will be discussed at a meeting in Peru next week. Other measures detailed in the papers, seen by The Guardian, include producing lighter coloured crops and using iron filings in the world’s oceans. The scientists involved in the proposals, which total around 60, other ideas include spraying sea water into clouds as a reflection measure as well as painting streets and roofs white. However there is worry among these scientists that even if their plans do work they could cause irreparable damage due to uncertainty surrounding the technology. And the report also details how both the UN and developed countries are ‘despairing’ over trying to reach an agreement ahead of the talks. The meeting in Peru is expected to provide the governments with a scientific assessment of geo-engineering. But the likely outcome is that it will back proposals to fund more research and experimentation. Britain has so far carried out some projects costing millions of pounds. In one, Bristol University developed a ‘hose’ device which was held up by balloons to send sulphates into the stratosphere. The Royal Society is also attempting to develop guidelines on the topic. However more than 125 environmental groups from accross the globe have complained to the head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, who produced the leaked papers. In a letter sent to Rajendra Pachauri, they said that it was not their place to consider the use of geo-engineering.