US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Thursday that the US government is studying Google\'s \"very serious\" allegations of a cyber spying campaign originating in China. \"These allegations are very serious. We take them seriously. We are looking into them,\" Clinton told reporters after saying Washington was \"very concerned\" by Google\'s announcement. China said Thursday it was \"unacceptable\" to blame it for a cyberspying campaign which Google said had targeted the Gmail accounts of senior US officials, journalists and Chinese activists. The comments marked the latest salvo in a battle between the Chinese government and Google dating back to last year when the US Internet giant revealed it had been the victim of a separate China-based cyberattack. Google said Wednesday it was hit by a cyberspying campaign that appeared to have originated in Jinan, capital of the eastern Chinese province of Shandong. The company did not specifically point the finger of blame at Chinese authorities. Clinton said the company had informed the State Department on Wednesday about its claims ahead of its public announcement.