Google has announced a new enhancement to Gmail it's calling Quick Actions, letting users act on messages without having to open them. Quick Actions, which appear as a clickable button to the right of an email's subject line in a list of incoming emails, are controlled by the sender, who must specify the intended action and provide the information it requires to work, Mashable reported Monday. A Gmail user will be able to use the capability to RSVP for events, view folders on cloud services and even begin writing a restaurant review, as clicking on the Quick Action button will open a window allowing users to take an action related to the message's content. YouTube and Vimeo clips can be opened as soon as they've finished uploading with a new "view video" quick action button on an email. "We're continuing to add even more buttons to make it easier for you to get things done in Gmail," Claudio Cherubino, Google developer programs engineer, wrote in a blog post Monday. Developers with ideas for additional button used can find more info on Google's developer website, he said.