Weeks ago, some may have thought that a comparison between our beloved social network Facebook and our favorite search engine Google would be comparing apples to oranges; but that is no longer the case. As Google penetrates the social networking market for the third time with Google Plus, it has become the fastest growing social network to ever exist. It is true that Facebook, with over 750 million members around the world is the largest network, but it is no longer the fastest growing network. Facebook needed years to accumulate millions of members, while in a few short weeks, Google + has already over 20 million members and growing at an alarmingly fast rate. Social media is a new concept in communications; nonetheless it has changed the way people communicate, experts say, adding that the reason behind the success of Google, Facebook and Twitter is our human need to communicate and share with the people around us. However compelling and ambitious Google’s latest project appears to be, many say that they have committed a long time to their networking status and profile in Facebook that they find it hard to give it up. Google + is still in its beta phase, and users can join through an invitation only, although currently, the front page says Google is temporarily testing with a small group of people, and even with an invitation, a person will have to wait to join. Both Google and Facebook have a clear goal, though: To become a one-stop site on the Internet. It remains only a matter of time before the scoreboards reveal the results of both their ambitions.