The European Union member states need to cooperate with each other and enhance cyber security for a reliable and secure digital environment in Europe, said a high ranking EU official on Friday. When addressing the Cyber security conference being hold in Brussels, European Commission Vice President Neelie Kroes, called on stakeholders to support the commission's proposed Directive on Network and Information Security. "It is ambitious and important. It will mean better coordination and risk management -- just what we need," she said. Kroes warned that if Directive does not make necessary improvements, "that will weaken your business, weaken our economy and maybe weaken our society too." The next few months will be crucial for this Directive, she explained, saying she will be working with the European Parliament and EU member states to adopt it by the end of this year. Furthermore, Kroes noted that the EU has a new program for research and development, Horizon 2020. It strengthens investment in cyber security, privacy and trustworthy ICT (information and communication technology). Under the new program, the European Commission will be investing at least 500 million euros (690 million U.S. dollars) in projects dealing with cyber-security and online privacy. Some 350 million euros have already been invested in this field, and 85 million euros are available this year, according to a press release by the Commission on Friday.