China Association for Science and Technology

Personnel involved in scientific research and technology development in China had reached 81.14 million, the world's largest, by the end of 2014, said a research report.

The report on China's science and technology human resource in 2014, issued by China Association for Science and Technology, said the statistics cover people who have obtained a natural science diploma above junior college level and those who do S&T related jobs despite lack of a diploma.

By the end of 2014, 76.21 million people belonged to the first category, and 4.93 million the second category, according to the report.

The S&T human resource is profiled as aged 33.73 in average and having 36.6 percent as women. A majority, 68.3 percent, of them either have a degree or work in the field of engineering, followed by medicine, science and agriculture.