Today we ask and answer many questions, including: how will Samsung make the Note less attractive? How do Sony Music\'s execs sleep at night? How much does Macca hate music streaming? How happy is a Happy Meal? How much is an Apple share? And just how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? And I will always rip you ooooff – There\'s nothing like exploiting the death of a celebrity for giving us the warm fuzzies, so we take our hats off to Sony Music. The label hiked up the price of Whitney Houston\'s greatest hits album on iTunes by over 60% after the singer\'s untimely death over the weekend. Classy. [Guardian] YouTube on the tube – Google has added a snazzy new YouTube app to its Google TV platform. It\'s faster, easier to navigate and looks a darn sight nicer than the traditional web version. [Google TV Blog] Pink is for panthers – The Samsung Galaxy Note is about to get pretty awful in pink. Samsung seems to have given the mega-phone a \'berry pink\' makeover, to be released at some point in March. Yeah, that looks better. Happy meal – Die-hard Nintendo 3DS fans will want to get themselves over to Japan where McDonalds will be giving away free games for the 3D handheld. It\'s the only place you\'ll be able to get your hands on McDonald\'s Slime Ship Battle DX and finishing the mini-game nets you a voucher for yet more junk food. How times have changed. [Kotaku] No kisses on the bottom – Sir Paul McCartney has decided that no one but no one can stream his music, telling Rhapsody and all other music streaming services to pull his tracks. You want them digitally? You can jolly well buy \'em. The only surprise here is that his music was ever on the streaming sites in the first place, really. [CBS] Riddle me this - How many riggers does it take to replace the world\'s largest IMAX screen? Er, actually that\'s not a riddle, it\'s 31. You\'ll also need one year, £160,000 and 350kg of highly reflective silver paint. [ZDNet] Simpsons sat-nav story of the day – Apparently there\'s a world record for the most downloaded character voice for GPS personal navigation devices in history and Homer Simpson has won it. Guinness\'ll give those things to anyone these days. [PR] I\'ll take five – As of today, a single share of Apple stock will set you back $499 – slightly more than an iPad. The least Apple could do is lend us a fiver. Jeez. More ideas for Apple\'s cash mountain here. [BGR] Educating Vita – Sony has revealed the download-only game line-up for the imminent PS Vita launch and, more importantly to some, their prices. Motorstorm RC is yours for £4.79 while Top Darts, Hustle Kings, Super Stardust: Deltra will se you back £6.49. Or, if you fancy splashing out, Escape Plan will be £9.99. [Pocket-Lint] Foyled again – Traditional book seller Foyles has finally decided to join the ebook race by teaming up with txtr, the leading ereading solutions provider you\'ve never heard of. No hardware to speak of, but the scheme comes with ereader apps for Android and iOS, and over 200,000 ebook titles to choose from. [Foyles] Okay, we lied about the wood chuck. Coming up tomorrow: One more thing\'s Valentine\'s Day special. Mark your calendars.