The global geospatial community turns to Abu Dhabi to learn about the future of geospatial technology and its impact on the Middle East and Africa as Esri, the leading worldwide provider of geographic information system (GIS) software and geodatabase management applications, kicks off its 2012 Esri Middle East and Africa User Conference (MEAUC) today at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre. The three-day conference is regarded as the MEA area\'s biggest GIS event and will gather over 2,000 participants from around the region. A major highlight of the event is the official signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Esri and the Abu Dhabi Systems and Information Centre (ADSIC) aiming to collaboratively harness GIS capabilities for enabling society. Under the terms of the agreement, both parties will work together on the Advancement of Spatial Thinking, GIS Planning and Monitoring, GIS Licensing and Support, and Outreach and Sharing of Best Practices. This marks the first time that Esri has signed an agreement with an entire government. ADSIC, the government entity overseeing the implementation of the Abu Dhabi Spatial Data Infrastructure as well as all aspects of Abu Dhabi\'s GIS and IT investments, says that the MoU ushers in a new age of technology-powered growth for the emirate. \"All over the world we can observe how GIS and other geospatial tools have become an integral part of municipal planning, resource management, and other vital government activities. The Abu Dhabi Government\'s partnership with Esri courtesy of ADSIC represents a major step in modernising government services in keeping with global trends and the region-wide focus on creating genuinely digital societies. Esri\'s MEA User Conference is an important platform for affirming Abu Dhabi\'s commitment to spatially-enabled development and for encouraging other governments across the region to follow suit,\" said Rashed Lahej Al Mansoori, Director General of ADSIC. \"The Abu Dhabi Government continues to adopt excellence and hard work in its efforts to realise the vision of our wise leadership in all economic and social areas, especially in the fields of education and technology development. Geospatial data and services which use GIS shed light on the importance of location in different aspects of our daily activities\", Mohammed Ahmed Al-Bawardi, Chairman - Abu Dhabi Executive Committee. He added, \"as a global trend, GIS is a primary enabler of processes and procedures between various parties. It accelerates development and improves government services such as planning, analysis and performance management to support the decision-making process on various levels. The strategic partnership between the Abu Dhabi Government and Esri is an important step towards optimizing the use of all related services and capabilities in capacity-building and achieving the government\'s vision of a Geo-mature society.\" Prior to the conference, ADSIC invited experts from Esri\'s California, USA headquarters to provide a detailed explanation of the scope and relevance of the Esri-ADSIC MoU. The agreement advances the important strategic role of GIS in the renaissance of the emirate. At this year\'s MEA User Conference, Esri users will share interesting and unique stories on GIS implementation and the empowering effects of geospatial technologies at the business and governance levels. Attendees will include users of GIS software, GIS experts, decision makers and business owners. The conference also serves as a forum to learn about and discuss GIS updates and projects and build relationships with members of the international Esri user community. Conference co-organiser ADSIC was established in 2005 to supervise the modernisation of local government via information and communications technology. It oversees the Abu Dhabi Spatial Data Infrastructure (AD-SDI) program, an initiative that draws on geospatial technology to enhance functions such as impact analysis, business decision-making, transportation safety and security, population trending, community planning, and resource management in line with the Abu Dhabi 2030 Vision development plan.