A photography app banned from Apple\'s iOS app store after allegations of pornography has been reinstated after an update, Apple said. The updated version of the 500px app includes a new \"report\" button to flag inappropriate content, a restricted-search function, and is labeled for ages 17 and up, CNET reported Tuesday. 500px, which hosts over 6 million photos, had initially been pulled from the app store for violating Apple\'s rules against featuring pornographic images and material, Apple said, and some complaints about child pornography. \"We take the content that appears on our site very seriously,\" 500px Chief Operating Officer Evgeny Tchebotarev wrote in a blog post. \"If we find content that is in violation of our terms of use we remove it immediately from our system and block the user\'s account. Our policies are clearly defined in our terms of service.\" The company is looking into the child pornography allegations, Tchebotarev said, but added he has yet to receive the alleged pornographic images or complaints from Apple and an internal investigation did not uncover any pornographic images. Apple said 500px\'s 17-and-up age classification means the app has \"Frequent/Intense Sexual Content or Nudity.\"