Years ago I met with the management team of a California company that was relocating to Nevada. A few days later, the president of the company telephoned to talk with me about his administrative assistant. “She is probably the brightest, most creative person I’ve ever employed,” the president told me. “Problem is, she can’t move her family out of state. I was wondering if you would see her for a private counseling session, so that when she applies for a new job, she’ll come across just as terrific as she really is. I’ll gladly pay for the session.” I looked forward to working with this talented woman. “This is a real pleasure. I’ve heard so many nice things about you,” I said when we met. “Tell me about yourself. What is it that you do exceptionally well? What would you most want a prospective employer to know about you?” The woman was silent for several seconds. Finally she sighed and said, “I really don’t know. I do a lot of things well, but when I do them, I don’t notice.” The problem was clear. She simply didn’t know what she knew. If, like the woman I met, your challenge is to develop “conscious competence,” here are four strategies to consider: First: Focus on your strengths. Everyone has areas of lesser and greater talents, and although it can be helpful to acknowledge weaknesses and seek guidance or training to develop those areas, there is nothing more frustrating than striving vainly to excel in areas where one has little or no natural ability. While you’re doing that, talents you have overlooked may atrophy. And weaknesses — regardless of how much effort you put into trying to improve them — will never match your natural strengths. Management guru Peter Drucker advised, “Don’t focus on building up your weaknesses. Understand your strengths and place yourself in positions where those strengths can best be employed. Your strengths will carry you through to success.” Second: Own your successes. I was coaching an executive in a utility company. After a particularly productive session, the executive complimented me. “You really know a lot,” he said. “In addition to great communication skills, you have good common sense.”